Working or hiring in Wallonia ? Le Forem helps you !

Presentation of Forem services.

What is le Forem ?

Le Forem is the Public Service for Employment and Vocational Training in Wallonia (Belgium).

Its main objectives focus on helping :

  • JOBSEEKERS in their jobsearches ;
  • EMPLOYERS in their recruitment, training and financial needs.

Its counterparts in other regions and communities of Belgium are:


Which services are provided by le Forem to foreign citizens looking for a job in Wallonia ?

Le Forem sets up individual or group sessions to :

  • Facilitate administrative procedures ;
  • Identify your skills and needs: studies, training, professional experience, languages, etc. ;
  • Inform you about the job market as well as the living and working conditions in Belgium.

You can also consult the EURES website (information available in all European languages).

  • Present you job opportunities based on your profile.
  • Refer you to suitable services : screening, language assessment, training in French as a foreign language, skills training, skills assessment, equivalence and recognition of diplomas and validation of acquired experience, and so on…

These actions are organized within Le Forem or with our partners.

Our advisers can provide you with information at

Are you looking for a job in Wallonia from abroad ?

You can benefit from Forem’s online services, free of charge:

  •  the job search engine (pages in French);
  •  the creation of your professional profile to be spotted by employers. To do so, you must create a personal account on the Forem website (pages in French).

What are the accesses to the Belgian job market if you are not Belgian ?

1. You are a citizen from Europe or Switzerland

If you are a national of a European Economic Area (EEA) Member State or Switzerland, you have unrestricted access to the Belgian job market. Which means that you do not need a work permit to work in Belgium.

If you need assistance in your job search, you can contact Le Forem's International Mobility Service (EURES):

2. If you are a non-European citizen

  • If you do not live in Belgium

    First your employer must be granted an authorization by the competent Region (Wallonia, Flanders, Brussels) in order for you to work for that company. In the French-speaking region, the employer will apply to the Directorate of Employment and Work Permits of the Wallonia Public Service. (A European Union citizen does not need a Work Permit).
  • If you live in Belgium

    Your residence permit/document contains an indication of whether you can work in Belgium or not.
    • "unlimited" : you have unlimited access to the job market and can work for any employer and in any position. You benefit from all the services provided by Le Forem.
    • "limited" : you have limited access to the job market; therefore, you do not have a free choice of employer and/or working regime. You only benefit from Le Forem’s Service clientèle.
    • "no" : you may not work. You only benefit from Le Forem’s Service clientèle.

3. You are an applicant for or beneficiary of international protection

You can benefit from a specific assistance. Check out our YouTube Channel to know how Le Forem can help you. 

More information: Please mention all your details in your request (full name, nationality, country of residence, phone number).


What services can Le Forem offer to foreign employers looking for candidates in Wallonia?

Our advisers can help you :

  • Create and broadcast your job offers,
  • Pre-screen applicants,
  • Organize recruitment days dedicated to your business,
  • Deal with paperwork and administrative tasks.

More information :  

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